Monday, June 28, 2010


The most kind-hearted personality of the world is no other then the Holy Prophet,
Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH). The greatest philanthropist personage of the Universe is undoubtedly the Holy Prophet, Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH). The friends and foes, the Muslims and non-muslims, the Arabs and non-Arabs were all equal in his justice. The greatest protector of whole humanity is surely no other than the Holy Prophet, Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH). He granted unprecedented rights to the children, slaves and women. He (PBUH) strictly ordered for the protection of greenery, Animals and birds found shelter under the merciful umbrella of the Holy Prophet, Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH), who is “REHMAT” Blessing for all the worlds – ‘Aalameen’. The Holy Prophet, Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH).himself ordained for showing due reverence to the elders and presenting profound love for the youngsters. It is the matchless personality of the Holy Prophet, Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH), who established the firm and sound foundations of peaceful society based upon co-existence and harmony. The Holy Prophet, Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) himself has asserted that love/affinity in his foundation or basis.

Today, if anywhere in the world is peace, security, co-existence reverence or respect for the elders it all is indebted to the teachings and practices of the Holy Prophet, Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH). Such a unique and unparallel personality
Deserves to be eulogized everywhere by everybody.

Following his teachings and paying heartiest respect and reverence to his sweetest personage one can become successful in his world and hereafter. Any sort of disrespect to such stainless and spot less universal personality will mar the image and being of such wrong-doer. Any persona who is sensible, wise, or normal in his thought and behavior, whatsoever may be his caste or religion cannot dare of any such debased and damned gesture.

Today it is needed that real picture of the stainless, spotless personality of the
Holy Prophet, Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH), who is saviors of whole humanity may be disseminated to the whole world in their native languages. The rulers of each state must take responsibility completely to stop any effort which may
Cause, may God forbid, any type of disseverance or disrespect to the greatest, Sweetest and the most kind-hearted personality of the world i.e. Holy Prophet, Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH).

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